Shakyamuni Buddha Thangka Art | Tibetan Thangka for Peaceful Meditation
SKU: TP0019
Shakyamuni Buddha is a name given to Gautama Buddha, who lived from 566 to 485 BCE in central north India. The word Shakyamuni means the sage of the Shakyas, the latter being the name of Buddha's clan, which ruled over the Republic of Kapilavastu. According to tradition, Shakyamuni traveled widely throughout the Indian subcontinent sharing his enlightened wisdom, promoting peace, and teaching people how to unleash the great potential of their lives. His compassionate intention was to enable all people to attain the same awakened state of life that he had attained.
Buddha Shakyamuni was born Siddhartha Gautama, the only son of king from Nepal. At the age of 29, he renounced the luxury of his royal heritage to take up the life of a religious wanderer. At the age of 35, after gaining profound insight into the true nature of reality (Dharma), he attained complete enlightenment. In this image Buddha is depicted on earth touching Mudra which recalls the moment of Buddha enlightenment day when he touch the earth to witness his profound realization.
The majority of our paintings are made by the Nepalese and Tibetan Lamas , as they are the original holders of the Thangka secrets.
Measures approximately 25 x 17.5 inch
*Hand painted Thangka Painting made by local artisan in Nepal. The painting does not include brocade or a frame.